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*Historical numbers are based on backtested data. Since our 2009 launch we have observed similar results in real-time.
*Past performance does not guarantee future performance
Free 7-day trial
Medium sized portfolios
*Paid annually
To get started simply mirror our portfolio in your brokerage account of choice. Our dashboard shows exactly how much to allocate to each stock.
Every month, the system re-evaluates it’s portfolio, buying & selling stocks. You'll be notified of the new trades that you can make in your own account to follow along.
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Formula Stocks is an information provider, not an investment advisory service or a registered investment advisor, does not offer individual investment advice and does not manage client funds. Unless otherwise specified, all return figures shown above are for illustrative purposes only. Formula Stocks does not purport to tell which securities individual customers should buy or sell for themselves and recommendations are not solicitations to buy or sell a security, Like a newsletter Formula Stocks offer a model portfolio, which members can choose to use as an input in their own decisionmaking process. Formula Stocks assumes no responsibility or liability for your investment results. You understand and acknowledge that there is risk involved in investing in securities. For technical reasons the website displays up-to-date graph data refreshed daily based on backtested data. Backtested performance results have certain inherent limitations, as they could potentially be designed with some benefit of hindsight, even though every effort have been made to avoid such risk. Unlike an actual performance record such as the one mentioned above, backtested results do not represent actual trading and may not be impacted by brokerage and other slippage fees. Also, since transactions may or may not have been executed, results may have under- or over-compensated for impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of market liquidity or level of participation. Past results of any investment system are not necessarily indicative of future results. No representation is being made that you are likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown here. In addition, information, system output, articles, and other features of our products are provided for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. It remains the user’s exclusive responsibility to review and evaluate the content and to determine whether to accept or reject any content. Formula Stocks expresses no opinion as to whether any of the website content is appropriate for a user’s investment portfolio, strategy, financial situation, or investment objective(s).